Terms & Conditions of use for this Website

1. This web site was created with the aim of providing its visitors with information and services. These terms and conditions govern your use of this web site and all visitors are invited to read them carefully and comply. In any case, a visitor browsing the web site’s pages, as well as using any of the information provided by the web site’s pages implies that the visitor unconditionally accepts these terms and conditions.

2. Minors are prohibited from visiting the pages of this web site, given that, in accordance with the law, the web site’s content is only for adults. If minors voluntarily visit the web site or use the services available on the pages of this web site, which is possible to be considered as inappropriate or harmful to them, the administrators of this web site bear no responsibility.

3. These terms and conditions are likely to change without notice in the future. However, this page will always state the current terms and conditions for the use of this web site.

4. This site is used “as it is” without the possibility of modifications or other interventions by non-certified visitors.

5. This site is likely to refer through links, hyperlinks or advertising banners to other websites, whose providers, also, have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, lawfulness and validity of the content of those web pages and services, excluding the owner of this site from any responsibility, including, but not limited to, intellectual and industrial property rights or any third party’s rights. Therefore, visitors are requested to comply with the terms of use of these websites and to contact directly their service providers for anything arising out of their visit and / or use.

6. Apart from specific third-party (intellectual and other) rights, all content included on this website (for example, trademarks, insignia, photographs, texts and all archives in general) is a proprietary intellectual property of the owners and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law. This content may not be, in whole or in part, traded, copied, modified, reproduced, syndicated or transmitted or distributed in any way by any user.

7. Visitors accept, agree and acknowledge that they will use this web site in a lawful and proper manner, bound, also, by the legislation that governs the transmission of data from Greece to other EU member-states and third countries. As a result, visitors, indicatively but not in a restrictive manner, agree that they will not use this web site with the purpose of:

a) causing harm to a minor.

b) transmitting or gaining access to content that:

i) violates the rights of a third party (eg. intellectual and industrial property),

ii) offends the personality of a third party (eg. slander, racist remarks),

iii) contravenes the law, morally sound conduct and fair dealing,

iv ) violates in any way the privacy or the individual and social rights of others.

c) Misleading anyone with regard to the source of this web site’s content; harming, in any possible way, the owners’ or others’ reputation; jeopardizing the security of their network; inhibiting any visitor from having access to this web site or the services available in the owners’ network or  avoiding having their identity checked by them.

d) Installing and promoting, in any possible way, any kind of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or spam e-mails, Ponzi schemes and any other form of unwanted content promotion, as well as installing and promoting advertisements without the owners’ written consent.
e) Installing, promoting and / or disclosing content that contains software viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere, destroy or restrict the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment or prevent other visitors from using this site.

If an illegal or contrary to the terms of use of this web site act is committed, the visitors are obligated to compensate the owners for every actual damage or loss of profits. The owners’ decision not to make use of their rights afforded to them by these terms, does not imply that the owners have waivered these rights.

8. For gaining access to certain services or connecting to certain web pages, it is possible that the owners may request for the visitors’ data, in order to provide them with a relevant password (or passwords). The above mentioned data must always be true, accurate, valid and complete. The visitors are responsible for all the actions taken with the use of their passwords and they are obligated to promptly notify the owning company for any unauthorized use of their password and for any (even potential) breach of security. This information is not disclosed by the owners to third parties in any circumstances. The owners are not responsible for any damage or harm that may arise by the unauthorized or illegal use of the password by third parties, due to its disclosure or any other reason and they reserve the right to request payment of compensation by the visitor in the event of any type of damage that may occur to them, due to an unauthorized or illegal use of the password. The owners reserve the right to refuse at any time the issuing of a password or to decide the termination of the provision of their services to a visitor or to deny a visitor any current or future use of this web site, in the event of a violation of the Terms of Use.

9. The owners cannot be held responsible by the users for any potential disclosure of their personal data that occurred due to the usage of products and services offered by a third party through this web site’s pages by the user.

10. Owners can use session cookies to identify the visitor. Session cookies are small pieces of code saved on the visitor’s computer memory, they do not extract information from any document or file saved on the computer and they are used only to facilitate visitors’ access to specific services and (sometimes) for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which the services of this site are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The visitor can set up his server in order to avoid receiving session cookies, either all together or on a case-by-case basis. In such a case, the visitor may not have full access to these services.

11. These Terms and Conditions of Use and any amendments thereto are governed by Greek law. To settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement each party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Athens.